Dental Implants: Are You a Good Candidate?

Dental implantology is one of the most remarkable advancements in dentistry in the last couple of years. In fact, it has become the gold standard for tooth replacement—and for very good reasons. This procedure, which involves the surgical placement of a titanium post into the jawbone, provides a wealth of benefits like improved comfort, confidence and improved overall oral health.

dental implantsIn addition, because dental implants replace the root of the tooth in addition to the tooth itself, they are considered the most long-lasting solution for missing teeth.

The question is, what makes a person an ideal candidate for the procedure?

Almost Anyone is a Good Candidate

To put it simply, any person who has lost one or more teeth or even a part of the jawbone is a good candidate for dental implants. This includes patients who have congenitally missing teeth (those who have missing teeth since birth).

Nearly anyone, young or old, is a good candidate as well, as long as their jaw has finished developing and that they are in good health.

Thorough Examination of Patient’s Current Oral Condition

Perhaps the best way to determine if an individual is an ideal candidate for implants is through a mouth X-ray and possibly a Computed Tomography (CT) scan. This will help dentists identify the areas of bone loss, as bone density is the most important criteria for getting a dental implant. Dentists must identify whether the patient has sufficient bone structure in the jaw to accommodate the implant.

During the patient’s initial consultation, the dentists will say whether a bone graft is necessary before undergoing the dental implant procedure.

Apart from the tests, implant dentists also need to do a thorough medical evaluation, as overall health and history also play a big role on how well the implant will fuse to the bone.

Patients with Lower Success Rates

Not all patients, however, have high success rates for a dental implant. Uncontrolled diabetes, smoking, cancer, alcoholism and poorly controlled gum disease are risk factors that can negatively affect the results.

Patients, fortunately, can still have a high success rate if they have only one of these diseases.

When you work with David Madruga, he will thoroughly assess your situation and work with you to know whether dental implants are a good option for your teeth. If not, there is no need to worry—because he also provides bridges to fill in the gaps.

Call today for an initial consultation, and watch your teeth—and life—change for the better.