Dental implants maintenance in Marylebone

If you have had your teeth replaced with dental implants from David Madruga – congratulations! You now have new teeth to enjoy. Once the healing phase is complete, you should experience all the functionality and aesthetics of a natural smile. All you need to do now is make sure that you take steps to maintain your dental implants according to instructions from a member of our team.

Dental Implants Maintenance in MaryleboneCheck-ups

Directly after treatment, you will have frequent check-ups to ensure that healing is taking place as planned. Once this period is over, you simply need to visit the dentist for your regular check-ups and if you ever have any issues. We keep a close eye on your dental implants, as well as any remaining teeth, to ensure a continued state of health.


When you visit David Madruga for your dental implant maintenance, we may also offer you a clean and polish. This is to remove any plaque or tartar which has built up on your teeth. Even though your prosthetic teeth will not decay like natural teeth, debris can still accumulate and this puts your gums at risk.


As long as your mouth is healthy and there are no other unexpected issues, your dental implants should last a long time. This means a lifetime in some cases. However, the attached teeth may need replacing from time to time. How often depends on where they are in your mouth as different areas experience varied forces during chewing. There is also some variation in longevity depending on the type of material your replacement teeth are made from.

Dental implant maintenance is simple and non-invasive. Your dentist can give you more details on repairs and restorations as they become necessary.

At home

All that being said, the most important care for your dental implants takes place at home. Your dentist at David Madruga is there to support your efforts. We can give you advice about the best techniques to use, how to adapt your normal dental hygiene routine and what you should expect to see and feel as you get used to your dental implants. You need to take note of all this information and follow it to the letter for best results.