
People in personal growth circles love to turn words into acronyms. With F.E.A.R., you get to choose between False Evidence Appearing Real and Face Everything And Recover. In other words, fear is a feeling. It’s a negative feeling about the future.

The thing is with fear, it’s a very powerful feeling that can stop people doing things they know would be great for them. One thing it stops people doing is getting dental implants. This is such as shame as, in fact, having surgery on the jawbone is a lot less painful than work on the teeth as there are far fewer nerve endings.

Nervous Patients and Dental ImplantsFor some reason, nervous patients and dental implants combined can create fear. But feeling scared, even more than scared, is no reason not to go through with a dental procedure that can be completely life changing.

At David Madruga in Marylebone, we’d hate for anyone who comes to us for dental implants to decide that the procedure is just too nerve-wracking to go through with.

Conscious sedation

We are big fans of conscious sedation here at David Madruga. This is a way for our patients to go through dental implant surgery in a completely relaxed way, not feeling any pain, not really aware of what’s going on, but able to respond should we need to talk to you; not knocked out cold with a general anaesthetic.

Oral sedation

This is the lighter of the two sedation techniques we offer. You take a pill an hour or so before your appointment, so that by the time you lie back in the chair, the sedation is beginning to take effect.

Intravenous sedation

Much faster-acting because we administer the sedative directly into your bloodstream, and will monitor you throughout treatment. It is a deeper sedation that might send you to sleep, but you can be woken up if necessary.

Whichever type of sedation you choose, you will need to bring someone with you to make sure you get home safely, which is what we always recommend for patients having implant surgery.

Do call us to find out more about sedation and how it can help you through implant surgery.

Nervous dental implant patients in Marylebone

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth due to their many benefits, but what if your dental phobia is the reason you lost your teeth in the first place?

At the practice of Dr David Madruga, the goal is for patients to feel calm, comfortable and safe. Dr Madruga leads a highly-experienced team in the field of conscious sedation and has successfully helped to develop many conscious sedation referral clinics across the UK.

Nervous Dental Implants PatientsHe is a firm believer that everybody deserves a healthy and beautiful smile, which is why he offers treatment under sedation for patients who are afraid of the dentist.

Common causes of dental phobia

Dental phobia is a very common issue among patients, and many people will attribute their dental fear to a past, bad experience. For many patients, fear of the dentist is associated with bad childhood memories. However, a bad experience is not the only reason for dental phobia. Sometimes, fear of the dentist is associated with prior negative experiences as well as an embarrassment over the condition of one’s teeth and mouth.

Dr Madruga will pinpoint what he thinks is causing your fears and talk about it in order to ease your concerns. He will never judge you – on the contrary, he will go the extra mile to ease your fears and help you achieve optimal oral health. If your fear has led to tooth loss, or your teeth are too badly damaged to be restored, dental implants may be the ideal solution.

Implant operation

Operation for dental implants is quite simple. Your dentist will attach the dental implants in your jawbone with a minor operation here at our Marylebone practice. Once in place, dental implants fuse with your jawbone, acting as tooth roots. After a healing period which may last a few weeks, permanent new teeth will be attached on top of your dental implants.

Treatment under sedation

Dr Madruga offers conscious sedation which is unlike any anaesthetic you have received in the past. Using either oral or intravenous sedation, you will be awake during the operation, feeling very relaxed and not experiencing any pain or discomfort. Conscious sedation is very safe and is only administered by our experienced dentists.

Offering new solutions for nervous patients

If you are one of the many nervous patients in Marylebone or around the country, it is good to know you have options when you come for dental treatment at David Madruga. The longer you put off any dental treatment generally the worse it gets and the more eventual work you will need. If you can visit a dentist that can give you options when it comes to your levels of awareness during treatment and shows genuine understanding of you concerns, then you are much more likely to see someone sooner.

nervous-patients-in-MaryleboneWhat is on offer for nervous patients in Marylebone?

Traditionally, dental treatments that involve discomfort are offered under local or general anaesthetic. These practices are designed to stop you feeling pain, but the former does not take the edge off of your experience, and the latter can mean a visit to hospital for treatment. This may seem like an extreme option if you do not need to have it.

At David Madruga, we offer conscious sedation. This is where you can have a local anaesthetic for the treatment site but we also offer you a level of sedation designed to decrease your general awareness of the sights, sounds and sensations of treatment alongside this. You will not be aware of what is going on and will likely remember nothing but you are actually awake during treatment.

Sedation is offered to nervous patients in Marylebone at our clinic though IV or orally. Your dentist will go through the whole process with you in detail and will also take a medical history from you to ensure you are a suitable candidate for conscious sedation.

At David Madruga, we have experience working with people from all over the country and we create a relaxed and professional atmosphere in which you can feel safe. We believe that, the more positive experiences you have at the dentist, the more overall relief you will get from any fear or phobia and so the more likely you are to visit for check-ups and to get the treatment you need. We look forward to working with you to give you the support you need at the dentist.

I am scared to go to a dentist!

Come and visit Dr David Madruga in Devonshire Place. We understand that the number of adults who hold a genuine fear of visiting the dentist is high. The statistics from the NHS, state that as much as one in four adults have such a fear of dentist, which consequently stops them visiting a dentist. Nervous patients in Marylebone can be assured that we are here to offer you a compassionate experience. Is it the pain that puts you off? Or perhaps the noise and smells of a dental practice? Well, we can inform you that with advances in dentistry, the tools used are quieter than they used to be. We also offer a range of pain relief including gum numbing gel and conscious sedation.

nervous-dental-patientsWhen did you last go to the dentist?

It is a good idea to have regular check-ups with a dentist to ensure you are caring for your teeth properly. Do you work or live near Marylebone? Nervous patients are relieved when they find our dental surgery, conveniently situated just a ten-minute stroll from Baker Street Tube Station. Did you know that it is recommended to visit the dentist once a year? This is, if you do not have any risk of gum disease or cavities. For some, it is essential for more frequent visits to occur. We understand, that due to the number of nervous patients in Marylebone, that there will be adults walking around with teeth that have not been seen by a dentist in many years. Is this you? Feel no shame if so, it is more common than you think and it could be that you have no oral problems. Wouldn’t it be good to put your mind at rest though? We can book you in for an appointment here at our practice. If it helps, why not come and visit us to get a feel for the place and see if you would feel safe having your first check-up here. Be assured, that a check-up will not involve any pain or tricky work being done. We will advise you if a follow-up appointment is needed.

Nervous Patient Testimonials

Fear of the dentist is the main reason patients put off seeking treatment. It can be crippling, and can prevent you getting the help you need when a problem arises, as well as stopping you from preventing those problems arising in the first place.

nervous-patientsOur entire team is committed to treating nervous patients with care, respect and dignity. We will always listen to your concerns and take them seriously, and won’t be judgemental if your dental health is less than perfect because you’ve been afraid to seek treatment for many years.

We offer treatment under conscious sedation, which has helped many of our patients get the treatment they want or need. Don’t just take our word for it, though. Here is what some of our patients have to say. . .

“I am writing to highly recommend David. I first made contact in 2013 after not seeing a dentist for some years, due to being truly terrified. I remember standing in the reception area, sweating, shaking and trying not to cry but from that very first moment I was treated with kindness and reassurance.

“As I had a number of teeth missing, and quite a few loose I was put into the care of David Madruga Gonzalez, a truly magnificent implant surgeon. With ultimate patience, and a brilliant, easy to understand treatment plan (so I knew the exact procedures and cost), I now have brilliant strong teeth and a vastly improved quality of life.” – Sheila Webley.

“Just dropping a line to thank you for the sensitive help received during my last treatment.

“It is devastating to have problems with your front teeth and I appreciated the way you explained the options open to me. Having everything explained in detail helps to take away the anxiety and to decide on the appropriate way forward. It seemed to take forever waiting for the healing process between treatments but the end result is great!

“I can now smile again with confidence and it cannot be understated how this gives me back my ease of mind.” – Janis Pidgeon.

Don’t let fear of the dentist put you off getting treatment

Fear and phobia of the dentist are the main reasons UK adults give for putting off seeking dental treatment. At our Marylebone dental practice, we understand and empathise with these fears, which can range from mild anxiety to full-blown panic attacks and can be very distressing. However, we do not think that anyone should experience barriers to the dental treatment they need and the smile they deserve, which is why we work closely with nervous patients to help them get treatment.

conscious sedationOur principal dentist, Dr David Madruga, is highly experienced in the use of conscious sedation to help patients who are afraid of the dentist. Dr Madruga leads a highly-experienced team in the field of conscious sedation, and he welcomes referrals from other dentists to our Marylebone practice if they believe their patients would benefit from treatment under conscious sedation.

How conscious sedation works

Conscious sedation should not be confused with general anaesthesia. You will not be asleep during treatment, so will be able to cooperate with your dentist as required, but will be in a highly relaxed state and will remember little to nothing about treatment when it is completed.

We have two sedation options at our Marylebone clinic: sedative drugs can be delivered intravenously (using a needle) or in tablet form, an ideal option for patients who find that a needle is a trigger for their anxiety. If you opt for treatment under conscious sedation, you will need to bring someone with you to drive you home and stay with you for a few hours after treatment.

It takes some hours for the sedatives to fully wear off, and by law you must not drive under the influence of these drugs. You should also avoid strenuous activity until the next day. Many patients will sleep off the sedatives at home and awake the next morning refreshed and with all dental treatment complete.

Nervous Patients

If you are afraid of visiting the dentist, you can rest assured you are not alone. Fear of the dentist is the number one reason patients in the UK give for putting off seeking treatment. This fear can range from a mild anxiety to full-blown dental phobia, and there are many causes of dental fear, from bad past experiences to worry about not being in control. For some people, they can identify specific triggers such as the sound of the drill, while for others the whole idea of visiting a dental practice can be terrifying.

nervous patientsOur team is sympathetic to these fears and anxieties, and will always take your concerns seriously. However, we do not think fear should be a barrier to essential and life-changing dental treatment, which is why we offer special care for nervous patients.

We find that many nervous patients benefit from treatment under conscious sedation. This is not like general anaesthetic as you remain awake and able to cooperate with your dentist, but are in a highly relaxed state and will not experience any pain or discomfort.

Dr Madruga leads a highly-experienced team in the field of conscious sedation. He has helped to set up many conscious sedation clinics across the UK, and accepts referrals from other dentists whose patients would benefit from this treatment.

Conscious sedation can either be delivered intravenously, using a needle, or orally, which is a great option if you are afraid of needles. You will quickly start to feel very relaxed and will be largely unaware of treatment, while still able to follow any instructions your dentist gives you. It is a very safe, well-tested procedure that has enabled many nervous patients to get the treatment they want or need.

If you have treatment under sedation you will need to bring a friend with you to drive you home and to stay with you for a few hours after treatment, as you may feel woozy for a while. Full pre- and after-care instructions will be given to you before treatment begins.

Anxiety Relief and Pain Management: Pillars of Patient Comfort

A dental procedure is something that may scare even the bravest of patients. After all, when a surgery is so near a person’s face and in a sensitive area, it is bound to raise anxiety. There is no area of medical or surgical practice is this truer than in dentistry. In fact, this is what terrifies people to regularly see their dentist.

dental fearThis is why at the office of David Madruga, we dedicate a special effort to making patients comfortable. We know that the prospect of injections to the gums and tooth removal is scary. Furthermore, it is not just about calming them; they should also know that whatever anaesthetic the dentist use, they would be fine after the surgery.

Anxiety Alleviation

Do not underestimate how dangerous anxiety is during a dental procedure. You yourself could think that it will be fine, and then you go under the knife. We do not risk the success of the operation; before the surgery, we invite our patients for consultations. Dr Madruga will thoroughly examine your teeth, gums and the surrounding structures.

If necessary, he will take photographs and radiographs to be exhaustive. We will ensure that your concern is accurate and give you peace of mind before the surgery to stay calm.

Pain Management

There are patients who are not as anxious as the others are. Yet, when it comes to pain, they are relentless in asking if they will feel anything. The promise of pain is enough to turn them around, putting more importance to pre-surgery procedure.

Unless your dentist is a magician, there should be a process as to how they assure patients. We follow the same steps we preach, you can be sure of that.

Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation if you need major dental procedures.

Preparing for Your First Sedation Procedure

We understand that many patients delay getting a dental treatment because of fear and anxiety. Some patients may find it difficult to give them some assurance that things will be just fine. For this group of patients, we can ease the stress with our sedation procedures.

sedation procedureIf you are thinking of undergoing a sedation procedure, it is important that you take note of the following reminders.

Do Not Eat Before the Surgery

This is the first thing to put on your list. If you forget this piece of advice, we will have to reschedule the procedure. If you are supposed to take any medication, drink a small amount of water necessary to swallow it.

You cannot eat or drink anything eight hours prior to the procedure. Fasting is necessary to reduce the risk of inhaling stomach contents into your lungs. When your body is under anaesthesia, all the functions are relaxed, which means your gag reflex will also be put to rest.

Do Not Smoke or Drink Before the Surgery

Smoking and drinking can negatively affect the procedure, so we recommend that you keep yourself from consuming any alcoholic drink 24 hours prior to the procedure. Likewise, restrain yourself from holding that cigarette at least 12 hours before the surgery.

Bring Someone With You

We highly recommend that you bring someone with you to the clinic. The procedure may render you lightheaded afterwards, and it will be safer if someone is going to help you walk or drive you home.

What to Expect from the Procedure

Managing certain expectations is part of the preparation. After we administer the anaesthesia in a specific area, you will then start to lose feeling there. We will only start the procedure once we are 100% sure you are not feeling anything.

The sedation procedure will calm and relax your entire body. You may even feel sleepy in case the amount of anaesthetic is increased. Your breathing may be affected as your lungs are at rest. But do not worry. Your supply of oxygen will be monitored, and we may even provide you with additional oxygen.

These are only some of the things you need to keep in mind before the procedure. For more information, we encourage you to get in touch with our patient services department.

Nervous Patients

Are you afraid of the dentist? If so, you are not alone. Fear is the primary reason that adults in the UK give for putting off seeking dental treatment. At our practice we fully understand and empathise with those who are scared of the dentist, but believe that we can help you overcome your fears to get the treatment you need and the smile you deserve.

nervous patientsFor nervous and phobic patients, we offer the option of treatment under conscious sedation. Conscious sedation means that you will be awake but largely unaware of treatment. You will still be able to cooperate with your dentist, but will not remember much about treatment when it’s over.

Dr Madruga leads a highly-experienced team in the field of conscious sedation. He welcomes referrals from other dentists who believe that sedation would help their patients. Dr Madruga has helped to establish several conscious sedation referral clinics across the country.

Patients give many reasons for dental anxiety or phobia. You may have had a negative experience in the past, may be afraid of being out of control, or may have a specific trigger such as the sight of a needle, the smell of a dental surgery or the sound of a drill. Conscious sedation can enable you to get the treatment you need without the anxiety, whatever the cause of your fear.

There are many reasons behind fear of the dentist or dental treatment, including a bad experience in the past; fear of the sights, sounds or smells of the surgery; fear of needles; and general fear with a non-specific cause. The good news is that conscious sedation can help with all of these fears, meaning you can get the treatment you need without the stress.

Conscious sedation may be delivered in the form of tablets (oral sedation) or directly into the bloodstream (intravenous or IV sedation). It is a safe, tried and tested method that is delivered by qualified, experienced practitioners.

You will need to bring a friend or family member along to your appointment if you have treatment under conscious sedation so they can drive you home and stay with you for the rest of the day. You must not drive (it is now illegal to drive under the influence of sedative drugs), operate machinery or cook until the next day, and should avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours. We will provide you with full, detailed instructions about what to do and what not to do before and after sedation when you book your appointment – please follow these instructions carefully, and ask us if you have any questions.