A guide to the dental implants process

Curious about what occurs during an oral implant fitting?

At David Madruga, we know all about the dental implants process Marylebone and can provide all of our patients with a step-by-step guide to this procedure.

In this very brief guide, we look at the dental implants process Marylebone, so you can have a better idea of what to expect when you come to us for this treatment.

The consultation

The first step in the dental implants process Marylebone is the consultation.

During this, we will assess suitability by taking X-rays of your jaw to explore if there is enough bone present to support the fitting of implants. We will enquire about your general health and will ask about lifestyle choices, such as if you are a smoker and how often you consume alcohol.

The fitting

During the implant fitting, we will numb the gum, make some incisions and then gently peel it back above where we want to fit the implant.

We may use a vacant socket (if possible) or may drill a new hole into the jaw to accommodate the implant. Once it is in place, we will sew your gums around it to secure it more firmly in place and hence, the surgery is complete!

The aftercare

Once the implants have been placed, the aftercare is not too tricky but is worth adhering to, this will ensure that they fuse correctly and will prevent infection.

To keep the site clean, you should rinse it as required with saltwater until the gums around the implant site have healed. You don’t want to be causing disruption to it and instigating infection or inflammation.

We also recommend you avoid eating hot foods like curry, or overly hard foods, as this can cause the implants to move and fuse at an odd angle. It is also worth keeping an eye out for signs of infection which are not limited to, but commonly include, fever, vomiting, discomfort, discolouration of the gums and the presence of pus.

If you notice any of these, please call our team for a same-day appointment.

The loading

Once the implants have fused to your jaw, we will book you in to have them loaded with the prosthetic tooth or teeth required; this can be a single crown, a bridge or a full denture.

This entire process can take up to an hour, but will allow you to leave our surgery with a great looking functional smile.

Remember, we will have tailored the prosthetics to blend in with any natural teeth that you may have or we can create a brand new set of teeth, which can look as natural or as Hollywood-esque as you want them to!

The maintenance

With oral implants, for them to last long-term, you will need to treat them as you would treat your real or natural teeth.

That means brushing them twice a day, flossing or cleaning in between them with interdental brushes, rinsing with mouthwash and attending appointments with our dental team twice a year. This will allow us to ensure that the implants are still in place, are not damaged, are not being rejected and that you are not developing gum disease which can cause them to come loose. So, in short, they require no additional maintenance.