Get a full smile makeover in Marylebone

Do you feel you need to enhance your smile in order to improve upon your image? Are crooked or stained teeth holding you back from important social or romantic situations? Then you are an excellent candidate for a full smile makeover Marylebone. At David Madruga, we have a variety of cosmetic dental procedures that will improve your smile from whitening to straightening, to covering up a series of problems, we can offer you a full package of treatments that can improve the look of your teeth and smile, so that you can feel more confident about how you look and engage with the world in a more self-assured manner.


Types of treatments

No two people are the same, so we customise our full smile makeover Marylebone packages to suit your exact needs. You may only need one treatment to perfect your smile or all of them, so here is a comprehensive list of our cosmetic treatment to give you more of an idea of what you may need.


Let’s start with crooked teeth, you can have the whitest smile around, but if your teeth are askew people are going to notice, so if you have the patience for it then a set of invisible braces or clear aligners can straighten out those issues for you, usually in the matter of a few short months. Don’t let the word ‘braces’ put you off, this is a very broad term in the orthodontic industry as they could mean clear aligners which are so discreet that people call them invisible. These invisible orthodontics can correct crooked teeth, gapped teeth, and overcrowded teeth as well as any problems you may have with your bite.


For those of you who do not have the patience for braces and who may also have other issues to deal with like chipped or worn teeth, then veneers may be the answer for your full smile makeover Marylebone. A veneer is a very thin tooth-shaped piece of porcelain that is bonded to the front of a tooth in order to restore its fullness. You may have a single chipped tooth that a veneer can cover or we can give you a full set of veneers in order for you to have that perfect Hollywood smile. Veneers can be used to cover up crooked teeth, stained teeth and chipped teeth all in one go, but the procedure is permanent and once you have a veneer there is no going back to your original teeth.


In some cases where a tooth is broken or chipped it can be easily restored with a porcelain crown. A crown is a cap that is placed on top of the tooth usually after root canal surgery, but also in cases where a tooth has been broken or worn.

Tooth whitening

This is the easy one, brighter whiter teeth can transform your whole look, and some people may only need this part of the makeover in order to radically change their smile. But we advise that you get whitening after braces and before crowns or veneers.