Missing teeth: how best to replace them

Missing teeth do more than just knock your confidence about smiling or laughing in public; they can affect your diet, your general health, and even your ability to speak clearly. At our Marylebone dental practice, implant dentist Dr David Madruga Gonzalez has helped many patients who have experienced tooth loss to get both health and confidence back with the help of dental implants.

Why you should replace missing teeth

missing teethYou should always replace missing teeth because to do otherwise risks your dental and general health. Remaining teeth have a tendency to move into any gaps, becoming crooked in the process. This makes them more difficult to keep clean, increasing the chances of oral health problems such as gum disease.

Depending on how many missing teeth you have, you may also find that your ability to eat a healthy and balanced diet is affected, as you could find yourself limited to a soft-food or even liquid diet, making maintaining adequate nutrition far more difficult. Your speech can also be encumbered, and your confidence is likely to take a bashing.

Why implants are often the best treatment for missing teeth

Dental implants offer your dentist a permanent way to replace lost teeth. At our Marylebone clinic we can replace one, some, or even all of your teeth with a combination of implants and restorations including crowns and bridges.

Implants are, effectively, bionic tooth roots. Made from titanium, they are placed directly in your jaw bone in a small operation, carried out by experienced implant surgeon Dr Madruga Gonzalez here at our Marylebone practice.

The implants form a strong bond with your jaw bone, providing a very strong anchor on to which your replacement teeth can be attached. Depending on how many missing teeth you have, this may be a bridge, a crown, or implant-supported dentures.

Dental implants: your journey back to a healthy, happy smile

Dental Implants are an excellent way for your dentist to replace one or more of your natural teeth. At Dr David Madruga Gonzalez’s Marylebone dental practice, we can use implants to restore not just the aesthetic appearance of your smile, but also full functionality to your jaw, enabling you to eat whatever you like and to speak, smile, and laugh with confidence.

How implant treatment works

dental-implantsOur teeth are made up of two parts – crowns and roots. Traditional dentures and bridges replace only the crown portion of a tooth, but dental implants are different. They are bionic tooth roots, placed straight into your jaw bone in a small surgical procedure, which is carried out here at our Marylebone clinic. New teeth – either crowns, bridges, or dentures – are then attached to abutments on top of your implants, producing a result that is as functional as it is natural-looking.

If you need to replace just a single tooth, we will usually place one implant and one crown. The good news for people with multiple or even all missing teeth is that you should not need as many dental implants as new teeth. In most cases one implant can support several new teeth; precision placement and meticulous planning mean that the minimal number of dental implants can be used to support a full arch of false teeth, able to withstand the forces generated by biting and chewing food.

Dr Madruga Gonzalez has successfully treated scores of implant patients over the course of many years at his Marylebone dental practice. He leads a team of dental professionals who will provide you with personalised treatment designed to suit your needs.

Thanks to Dr Madruga Gonzalez’s extensive experience and many years of research, we are able to treat even complex cases requiring guided bone regeneration here at our Marylebone practice.

Missing teeth? You no longer need to live with gaps in your mouth

Missing teeth are a common problem, but the good news is that you no longer have to live with gaps in your mouth – nor struggle on with unwieldy dentures. At our Marylebone dental practice, skilled implant dentist Dr David Madruga Gonzalez has treated scores of patients who have lost one or more of their natural teeth, helping to restore their smile with dental implants.

Why we lose our teeth

missing-teethTeeth can be lost for a variety of reasons. Health problems such as tooth decay and gum disease are a common cause of tooth loss, while as the population ages many people are finding that they lose teeth as they get older. Accidents and injuries can also cause teeth to be knocked out, and while it is sometimes possible for your dentist to reimplant teeth lost this way in the socket, sometimes a tooth replacement is required.

Whatever the reason behind your missing teeth, they can make your life a misery. Gaps in your mouth may make you self-conscious about smiling or laughing in public, and can affect your speech and ability to enjoy a healthy diet. Remaining teeth often shift into any gaps, becoming crooked and more difficult to clean, thus increasing your chances of further tooth loss.

Why dental implants are the perfect solution

Dental implants are the only permanent way to replace missing teeth. These artificial tooth roots are placed in direct contact with your jaw bone in a minor operation, carried out under local anaesthetic or sedation here at our Marylebone dental practice.

After a healing period, permanent new teeth are attached to the abutments on top of the implants. This restores not just your smile, but also the ability to eat whatever you want.

With regular visits to our Marylebone dental practice, your implants can last a lifetime. You need never worry about missing teeth again.

Dental Implant Misconceptions That You Really Need To Know

It’s understandable that anyone opting for dental implants in Marylebone or indeed anywhere else in the country is going to feel somewhat anxious and a little nervous prior to their treatment and much of this is down to popular misconceptions that surround the industry. With this in mind, we felt that it would be a good idea to highlight some of these misconceptions so that people can have an informed opinion on the process.

Undergoing dental implant surgery is long and painful

dental implant in MaryleboneDental implant surgery can be relatively quick depending on the number of implants required and, contrary to popular belief, most people who undergo dental implant surgery feel no pain at all. Modern day dentistry is no longer about large needles and painful drilling. Instead carefully monitored and controlled sedation techniques keep the patient in a relaxed and care-free state, while most patients who undergo conscious sedation have no recollection of the surgery a all.

I’m over 70 years of age, therefore I’m way too old!

Some underlying factors will dictate that dental implants aren’t possible to fit, but these are more related to health. As a result the age of a patient is irrelevant. In fact many elder patients have told us how much they’ve benefited from having treatment for a dental implant in Marylebone and how much it’s changed their lives

It takes ages to recover from surgery

Another misconception is that the post-surgery recovery is both long and painful. Conversely, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Like any surgery, there may be some slight bruising and swelling but this won’t be the case with everyone. Often if there is any pain, then it can easily be dealt with using standard pain killers such as aspirin and paracetamol. In many cases where the patient has undergone a straightforward implant procedure with no bone grafts or sinus lifts then they can return to normal within 1-2 days.

I smoke, therefore I can’t have dental implant treatment!

Smoking is indeed problematic for dental implants as it can slow down bone growth which is vital to implant success. In addition, substances carried in tobacco can also breed bacteria which may be harmful to dental implants. That said, smokers may still be able to undergo treatment for dental implants providing that they stop smoking for a period of a few days before surgery and during the recovery period. Generally speaking each patient’s case will be assessed on merit.

Dental implants last a lifetime

This is one misconception that you’ll probably have heard the most. Despite popular belief there are no guarantees that implants will last a lifetime. The simple reason for this is that there are just too many factors that can directly impact on implant longevity. That said, what we do know is that the very first implants were fitted to a Swedish man called Gösta Larsson back in 1965 and his implants were functioning perfectly right up until his death in 2006. That’s a total of 41 years.

If you have missing teeth or are simply fed up with wearing dentures, then contact LXiR about dental implants in Marylebone. We’re a Marylebone dental clinic who have been fitting implants with great success for many years. So if you want to discuss your options then why not book a free no-obligation consultation. Call us on 020 7486 1010 or visit our website at www.davidmadrugaimplants.co.uk for further information.

Recent Research Shows the Impact of Losing Teeth

A recent study carried out by researchers from Newcastle University highlights the impact tooth loss can have. As a result they have called for tooth loss to be taken more seriously. The study discovered that losing teeth could result in long-term complications, and found people did experience life-changing consequences due to tooth loss.

dental implantsAccording to the study, people who had experienced tooth loss were reluctant to leave their home, and tended to be disappointed in themselves for requiring dentures. In the UK, more than two million people have lost all their teeth in either their upper or lower jaw, and even though this study implies this loss can be just as damaging as having a long-term health condition, it is often not taken very seriously.

Prolong the Life of Your Natural Teeth with Preventative Dental Care in Marylebone

 David Madruga Implants definitely takes tooth loss very seriously, and Dr David Madruga and all the dentists here in Marylebone will do everything possible to try to preserve your natural teeth for as long as possible. This is one of the reasons why we’re so keen on preventative dental care, as regular examinations and professional cleanings are by far the best way to help keep your teeth healthy and free from disease. Dental procedures such as fillings and root canal treatments and crowns are all designed to help preserve your teeth, but sometimes this might not be achievable.

If You Do Lose Teeth You Don’t Necessarily Need Dentures

 If tooth loss is inevitable then you may not necessarily need dentures. This is because David Madruga is able to provide dental implants. These can be a permanent solution to tooth loss. Dental implants have been widely used for quite some time now so the technology is extremely safe.

Most people will be suitable for dental implants, and age is no problem as it’s more important that you’re in good health. Your dentist in Marylebone can fit you with a single dental implant to replace just one tooth, or multiple dental implants to replace multiple lost teeth or even a complete arch. Nowadays there’s no need to wear dentures if you don’t want to, as we can fit you with a fixed dental bridge that can replace all the teeth in your upper or lower arch or even both. If you’re quite happy wearing dentures but would prefer them to be more stable, this is something that can be addressed with just a few dental implants. Your denture will clip on to the implants so it cannot move or shift, but you will still need to take your denture out to clean it.

Dental Implant Placement Is Far Less Scary Than You Think

Dentists in Marylebone, London know a lot of people are concerned about the thought of the surgery required to insert the implant post, but the truth is it’s such a straightforward treatment and many people will have very little discomfort afterwards. If you have just a single dental implant than you can reasonably expect to return to work the next day, and no one will know you’ve had treatment. If you’re particularly nervous then please discuss this with your dentist in Marylebone as we can help you feel more comfortable so you are able to have dental implants in Marylebone.

So You Want Affordable Dental Implants – Does This Mean That You Have To Travel Abroad?

Whether you undergo treatment for dental implants in Marylebone or your local High Street implant clinic, you can be assured that it isn’t going to be cheap. There are several reasons for this including the training and skill of the dentist fitting them, the cost of manufacturing the precision implant itself; and the ongoing care that comes with making sure your implants remain in good health. So is it true that the answer to lower-cost dental implants for many people lies abroad?

dental-implants-in-maryleboneLured by anecdotal evidence of high standards of care, professional looking websites and budget airlines undercutting each other to get cheaper flights to Europe, it’s no wonder that ‘dental tourism’ is big business. Unfortunately many people have returned from such trips with problems arising from initially shoddy treatment. Such is the scale of the problem that it’s caused the General Dental Council (GDC) to issue a set of guidelines for anyone contemplating getting cheap dental treatment abroad. The guidelines encourage the potential patient to ask some important questions such as…

  • Does your dental tourism country of choice have a regulating body that all dentists have to adhere to?
  • Who will provide the implant treatment and what are their qualifications?
  • If problems do arise, just how easy is it to have any remedial work done?

This is not to suggest that every dental implant clinic in Europe is below par, and in fact there are many clinics that offer an excellent service. However unlike a dental implant in Marylebone, patients who decide to opt for treatment abroad won’t have the benefit of long-term planning, because this cheaper procedure is geared up specifically for a rapid service. Often patients have underlying gum problems which need to be dealt with first, yet because of the time constraint, many implants are placed directly into unhealthy gums. When this happens, there’s only ever going to be one outcome and that’s implant failure!

Add-on costs

Even though the initial cost of an implant may seem cheap, many foreign dentists will charge much more for remedial work. Not only this, a patient needing remedial work is going to have to add on expenses for accommodation and travel.

So for many, whilst the perception of undergoing treatment for dental implants in Marylebone may at first seem expensive, in theory it’s an altogether more practical solution that will save you money in the long-term.

If you want a successful outcome to your dental implant complete with good preparation, careful planning and continual care then contact David Madruga Implants. We’re a Marylebone clinic who have been effectively fitting dental implants for many years.

Don’t let fear of the dentist put you off getting treatment

Fear and phobia of the dentist are the main reasons UK adults give for putting off seeking dental treatment. At our Marylebone dental practice, we understand and empathise with these fears, which can range from mild anxiety to full-blown panic attacks and can be very distressing. However, we do not think that anyone should experience barriers to the dental treatment they need and the smile they deserve, which is why we work closely with nervous patients to help them get treatment.

conscious sedationOur principal dentist, Dr David Madruga, is highly experienced in the use of conscious sedation to help patients who are afraid of the dentist. Dr Madruga leads a highly-experienced team in the field of conscious sedation, and he welcomes referrals from other dentists to our Marylebone practice if they believe their patients would benefit from treatment under conscious sedation.

How conscious sedation works

Conscious sedation should not be confused with general anaesthesia. You will not be asleep during treatment, so will be able to cooperate with your dentist as required, but will be in a highly relaxed state and will remember little to nothing about treatment when it is completed.

We have two sedation options at our Marylebone clinic: sedative drugs can be delivered intravenously (using a needle) or in tablet form, an ideal option for patients who find that a needle is a trigger for their anxiety. If you opt for treatment under conscious sedation, you will need to bring someone with you to drive you home and stay with you for a few hours after treatment.

It takes some hours for the sedatives to fully wear off, and by law you must not drive under the influence of these drugs. You should also avoid strenuous activity until the next day. Many patients will sleep off the sedatives at home and awake the next morning refreshed and with all dental treatment complete.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Full mouth rehabilitation involves using dental implants to replace all of your natural teeth. You may have lost all of your natural teeth due to tooth decay, gum disease or infection, or you may have been told that your teeth need to be extracted.

full mouth rehabilitationWhile once a full arch of dentures was the only solution, dental implants now offer an increasingly popular alternative. Implants have several benefits in such circumstances: they offer a solution that is predictable, safe and – with proper aftercare – long-lasting.

If you have been wearing traditional dentures for any period of time, you will be well aware that while they are beneficial, they come with their own set of issues. Imagine a life free of pastes, adhesives and laborious cleaning routines, a life where you can enjoy all of your favourite foods and laugh or smile with confidence, without fearing your dentures will slip. Full mouth rehabilitation with dental implants is making this life a reality for increasing numbers of patients.

Advances in dental technology and materials means that we can now help more patients than ever to restore their smile, using fixed implant-supported restorations.

If you are interested in full mouth rehabilitation, the first step is to book a consultation with Dr Madruga, a highly experienced implant practitioner.

Every patient’s needs will be slightly different, so after your initial assessment, a great deal of personalised planning is involved. This may include using CT scans and, if bone has been lost, additional procedures such as bone augmentation or sinus lifts to give your implants the best chance of success.

Implants are then placed in the jawbone in a minor surgical procedure, carried out here at the practice under local anaesthetic or sedation. You may be given provisional restorations, such as temporary bridges or dentures, to allow your implants to fully integrate with the bone. This ensures a stable base for your permanent restorations.

After a healing period of a few months, your final restorations will be placed. You will walk out of the practice with a brand new smile that you’ll want to show off, and will be given detailed aftercare instructions. With good oral hygiene, your implants will last you many years – perhaps even a lifetime.

What’s the best way to replace missing teeth? Exploring dental implants

Missing teeth should always be replaced. Ask any dentist and they will tell you the same thing. There are many tooth replacement options available at our Marylebone dental practice, provided by leading cosmetic and implant dentist Dr David Madruga.

dental implantsHere, we look at why dental implants are often the perfect solution to missing teeth.

Why missing teeth should be replaced

When one or more of our natural teeth is lost, through accident, injury, tooth decay or gum disease, our remaining teeth are put under additional strain when biting and chewing food. These teeth are also prone to movement, shifting into any gaps and becoming crooked in the process. This makes them more difficult to clean, which in turn raises the risk of further tooth decay and gum disease and, ultimately, further tooth loss.

Whether you choose dental implants, a standard bridge or traditional dentures, replacing your missing teeth will help to prevent these problems. We offer a wide range of tooth replacement solutions at our Marylebone dental clinic, so the choice of restoration is yours.

Why implants?

Implants have numerous advantages over other tooth replacement products, with one of the key ones being that implants are the only permanent way to replace your missing teeth. These small titanium screws are placed directly in your jaw bone in a minor operation here at our Marylebone practice. After a healing period your clinician will then attach permanent new teeth on top.

Implants are the only way to replace missing tooth roots, which are vital to jaw bone health. Without the roots in place, your jaw bone is likely to shrink back, which can make traditional dentures loose.

Dental implants stop the problem of bone loss, keeping your new teeth firmly in place. They also enable you to eat a full, healthy diet, and to smile with confidence.

Dental implants: a reliable solution to tooth loss

Dental implants are a thoroughly modern solution for patients who have lost one or more of their natural teeth. Dr David Madruga is a leading implant dentist based in Marylebone, London, who has helped countless patients to restore both aesthetics and functionality to their smile with the help of implants.

Why choose dental implants?

davidmadrugaimplantsDental implants are the only permanent way to replace missing teeth. Implantology is one of the fastest-growing areas of modern dentistry, and since implants first started being used some 30 years ago, more and more patients are benefitting from using implants to replace their missing teeth.

At his Marylebone dental practice, Dr Madruga is able to treat even complex cases in patients who have experienced bone loss. In the past it was common for patients who did not have sufficient bone density for implant treatment – perhaps after wearing traditional dentures for some years – to be turned away and told they were unsuitable for dental implants. Some dentists still do this today.

However, implantology is continuously advancing, and Dr Madruga is able to offer a number of additional treatments at his Marylebone clinic, including bone regeneration and sinus lifts, to rebuild jaw bone density to a level that is sufficient to support dental implants.

Bone loss commonly occurs when the root portion of the teeth is not replaced. Standard dentures and bridges replace the crowns of the teeth, but with no replacement for the root the jaw bone begins to resorb or shrink back. Dental implants are bionic tooth roots, made from titanium, which is highly supportive of bone growth. Placed directly in the jaw bone by your dentist, the implants help to stop bone resorbtion and provide a firm, stable anchor for new teeth in the form of implant-secured dentures, bridges or crowns.

With good aftercare and regular dentist and hygienist visits, your implants and new teeth could last you for life.